- 10 Shuttle Run
- 10 Air Squat
- 20 Skipping rope
- 20m Walking lunges
- 20m toes touches
STRENGTH w/ partner
from ground:
- 1 power Snatch
- 1 Hang Snatch
- 1 Overhead Squat
- Max reps power Snatch
WOD 1 (cap15)
- 2000m machine (YGIG)
* every 2mins:
- 6 Synchronized power clean
* Cash out:
- 20 Synchronized Burpee over the bar
WOD 2 (cap12)
- 50 Shoulder to overhead (split)
* 10 Synchronized DB box step over
- 50 KB Swing (Split)
* 10 Sync DB box step over
- 50 Wall-balls (split)
* 10 Sync DB box step over
- 50 Toes to bar / knees to elbow (split)
* 10 Sync DB box step overs