- 10 Shuttle Run
- 10 Air Squat
- 10 Alt bodyweight lunges
- 5 Inchworm to push ups
- 20M Bear crawl
- 5 Empty bar Thruster
WOD 1 :
Every 4'x4 :
- 400M Row / Ski / Run /
“ Macho Man “
- 3 Power Clean
- 3 Front Squat
- 3 Shoulder to overhead
* 1 Min Rest after Each round
WOD 2:
Tabata : 20''on / 10'' off
- Each station 8 Sets:
Station 1 :
- Side KB lunges
Station 2:
- Dual Devil press
Station 3:
- KB swing
Station 4:
- elbow plank
Station 5:
- Single leg v-ups