5’ , For Quality:
1’ Row
10 Sotts Press
15 Med Ball Jumping Squat
Increase weight each round
Warm up with empty bar for few reps then start EMOM
EMOM Every 2’ x 8’... (4 Sets)
8 Back Squat
EMOM Every 2’ x 8’ ... (4 Sets)
5 Front Squat
"Death By Row And Burpee"
EMOM Until Failure...
1) 7 CALL Row
2) 6 Burpee
3) 8 CAL Row
4) 7 Burpee
5) 9 CAL Row
6) 8 Burpee ...etc.
*Add one rep on each new round for the row and burpees.
Continue until you fail to complete the work on one movement in the minute. Start out nice and easy and increase the pace/ intensity as you progress through the workout.
40” Front Plank
30”/30”Side Plank Hip Touches
*No rest between movements, but rest as needed between rounds.