- 100m Machine
- 10 Air squat
- 5 inchworm
- 5 empty bar power Snatch
- 5 empty bar Deadlift
- 5 Empty shoulder to overhead
Workout 1
:90 ON / :90 OFF x 6:
- 10 Cal Machine
- Remaining time: max Deadlift
* One is working the other is resting
* 2mins rest
Workout 2
2:00 ON / 1:00 OFF x 3:
- 15 Hang power Snatch
- remaining time: Max reps wall walk / inchworm to push ups
* all sync
Workout 3
For time: (cap18)
Buy in:
- 100 wall-balls
- 1000m Machine
- 30 Squat Clean
- 30 Shoulder to overhead
* Split the Reps equally