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14.7.2022 PARTNER DAY


- 100m Sprint

- 10 Air squat

- 20 Skipping rope

- 5 Inchworm


A.30 On / 30 Off / Alternating set/4sets

- Max Reps of clean and jerk

- One partner is working the other is resting.

B. 30 On / 30 Off / Alternating Set/4Sets

- Max reps of bar facing burpees

- One partner is working the other is resting.

* 2 Min Rest

C. 30 On / 30 Off / Alternating Set/4Sets

- Max reps of power Snatch.

- One partner is working the other is resting.

D. 30 On / 30 Off / Alternating Set/4Sets

- Max reps of bar facing burpees

- One partner is working the other is resting.


- 2000m Machine (Run / Row / Ski )

- Every 500m both partner will preform:

- Synchronize DT :

- 12 Deadlift

- 9 Hang power Clean

- 6 Shoulder to overhead

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